P & F Association
The school has a very active P & F Association that works diligently each year to provide essential support to the school in many ways. Most recently major projects have included the installation of a new playground facility, completion of air-conditioning of all teaching areas and installation of interative tv's and technology throughout the school. The major project towards the end of 2014 was the construction of a disabled ramp to the school ovals. The P & F also funded the purchase and installation of a new fence along Spencer Street.
The executive committee consists of seven parent members. Each family pays a P & F Levy which is included in the school fees. This levy is in lieu of having small fundraising activities such as pie and chocolate drives, raffles, fun runs etc. The major fundraising activity for the P & F is its biannual school fete.
The P&F general meetings are held every 4th and 8th Tuesday of each term with the AGM held in conjunction with the November general meeting.
P & F Site Access
Please click this link for access to the P & F Site.